Friday, December 28, 2012

Cultural impact of foreign invasions on India!

  1. People are forgetting current attitude especially towards women and children has developed over the last millenium. Thanks to invasion 1/8

  2. Lets face the facts no good has come from any sort of invasion. It has always negatively impacted the native culture and tradition. So wonder how a violent clash between two diametrically opposing 'ideas' namely Islam and Vedic Hinduism could produce anything positive. Hinduism and Islam co-exist within India like oil and water. Both cannot mix yet can exist side by side.
  3. Sshankara
    Due to constant invasion looting plundering & whole scale massacare of male population many women widowed left to mercy of gen populace 2/8

  4. We have many historical records by contemporary Islamic court historians who have spoken at length of women and children taken into slavery or abandoned and able bodied men massacred.
  5. Sshankara
    With this abundance of non contributing population attitude towards women & children changed. These widows & orphan children were burden 3/8

  6. It does not take much imagination to imagine hundreds of thousands of destitute children and widows forming a big part of the population in the aftermath of an invasion. It happened in UK and especially in Germany after WW II. The only difference being that modern sensibilities and government helped settle, educate and secured the lives of these widows and children. In medieval India this was obviously not possible, leaving these unfortunate souls to the vagaries of the general population or people in power.
  7. Sshankara
    What would people do with widowed women? Rape them enslave them sell them into prostitution etc. Women became a tradable commodity 4/8

  8. As long as its not your women she became fair game for 'uthva lo' attitude prevalent even today.
  9. Sshankara
    Same happened with children. Many orphaned children walked streets, destitue. Father killed & mother captured for slavery & prostitution 5/8

  10. As long as they are not your children, poor orphans become easy prey.
  11. Sshankara
    Uncared for children were used as slaves & for menial tasks employed in trade & hard labour. Its a shame we are not aware of this 6/8

  12. Lakhs of unprotected and uncared for women, young girls and children were were freely available and in abundance as refugees or destitute. When anything is available for the taking then the value and respect for that goes down.
    In many cases they were unwanted burden on a already strained society and economy. With no real welfare system wonder who really cared for them, or did anyone even really care for them at all. Some may have found food and shelter at temples or 'dharmshalas' but even they were destroyed in northern India. One can only imagine the plight of our ancestors.
  13. Sshankara
    Indians dont pay too much attention nor study the impact of a millenium of foreign invasion & its impact on Hindu society 7/8

  14. Sshankara
    1000 yrs a very long time, enough to change the entire cultural fabric under duress from occupying forces. Always question dont accept. 8/8

  15. Indian media and people acting as intelligentia on television or press either are ignorant of such facts or dont want to highlight or bring to fore this information lest their secular credentials get damaged.

    Its very important that Indians understand the 'real' impact of the 1000 years of invasion and occupation has had on Hindu culture and sensibilities. Only then will we be able to understand why we behave and react in a certain way. Many of our current attitudes is a result of a bloody, gut wrenching, tragic and terrible 1000 year period of Indian history. Medieval India must have been a hell on earth.

    Just like a doctor cannot prescribe a cure till he understands the true nature of the malady, we cannot come to terms with some of the social evil till we understand the true cause. Else we will continue to treat the symptoms and keep blaming Hinduism for all the faults.

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