Showing posts with label Vedic Saraswati Civilisation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vedic Saraswati Civilisation. Show all posts

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mainstream British historian rejects Aryan Invasion theory

I came across a book by Neil MacGregor 'A history of the world in 100 objects' and found some positively interesting observations about the Saraswati-Indus civilisation which is gaining currency among main stream historians and coming especially from a devout Christian with British nationalist leanings its rather surprising.

The book is divided into various ages of world history starting from early pre historic times travelling down to foundation of early cities, empires, birth of religions and so on. In the foundation of cities section the Saraswati and Vedic civilisation finds a chapter dedicated to the various seals, the organisation of the cities and the civilisations eventual demise.

MacGregor starts off by explaining the expanse of the civilisation, the democratic government opposed to autocratic contemporary civilisation, the sophistication of the city architecture and the various seals. He confesses that the discovery of these cities rewrote not just Indian history but world history by pushing back Indian history by thousands of years and giving the nationalist Indians an argument to demand freedom from British rule. The dates of 2500 BC MacGregor offers can be rejected for a much older date based on recent discoveries of cities around the dried Saraswati river bed. He mentions the fact that the dead were cremated and explains the bull and cow seals without alluding to Vedic Hindu roots of the civilisation which is ambiguous for a historian who otherwise is emphatic with other conjectures.

Most importantly MacGregor unlike his colleagues elsewhere has clearly left out even an ambiguous mention of the Aryan invasion theory and offers ecological disaster and climate change as the reason for the civilisations demise. He steers clear of Aryan invasion theory even while hazarding a guess on the topic.

We can only hazard a guess as to why. The need for timber to fire the brick klins of the huge building industry may have led to extensive deforestation and an environmental catastrophe. More importantly climate change seems to have caused tributaries of the Indus to alter course or dry up completely. 

This narrative is very important to note the changing discourse on the Aryan invasion theory and Saraswati and Vedic civilisation among leading academics. Witzel and his tribe of deception artist's should take note. So should the Indian historians who should move with time and rewrite a more authentic Indian history based on facts and not based on conjectures or political motivation.

MacGregor quotes Prof. Nayanjot Lahiri from Delhi University on the importance of the discovery of these ancient cities.

In 1924 when the civilisation was discovered, India was colonised. So to begin with there was a great sense of pride  that we were equal to the British if not better than our colonisers and considering this that the British should actually leave India. This was the exact sentiment that was expressed in the Larkana Gazzette...

After independence the newly created state of India  was left with just one site in Gujarat and a couple of other sites towards the north, so there was a urgency to discover more Indus sites in India. This has been among the big achievements of Indian archeology post independence - hundreds of sites today  are known, not only in Gujarat  but also in Rajasthan, in Punjab, in Haryana and even in Utttar Pradesh.

Towards the end MacGregor share his own sentiments.

The great cities of Mohenjodaro and Harrapa  which were first excavated, are in Pakistan, and and subsequently one of the most important pieces of work on the civilisation was done by a Pakistani archielogist - Rafiq Mughal who discovered  nearly 200 sites in Pakistan and Cholistan. But my own sense is that on the whole the state of Pakistan has been much more interested, not exclusively  but significantly, in its Islamic heritage, so I think there is a greater interest in India as compared to Pakistan.

...the artefacts, the pottery, the beads, etc., that were found at these sites - are divided  between the two states. Some of the most important objects were actually divided right down the middle - like the famous girdle from Mohenjodaro.

In conclusion I can only repeat that history of India has to be rewritten with more authenticity. A nation without history can create one, but a nation deprived of its true history is a nation deceived. Indian falls in the later category.

Friday, November 5, 2010

No Horse at Harappa! Sarasvati River and the Vedic Civilisation by NS Rajaram Part 5

No Horse at Harappa!

American archaeologist Jim Shaffer noted:

Current archaeological data do not support the existence of an Indo-Aryan or European invasion into South Asia any time in the pre- or proto historic periods. Instead, it is possible to document archaeologically a series of cultural changes reflecting indigenous cultural development from prehistoric to historic period.
In addition to such negative evidence, positive evidence has shown that the Harappan civilisation was a part of the Vedic Aryan fold and this evidence includes the presence of horses. The proponents of the AIT theory have in a child like manner harped about the absence of horse by coining a slogan “No Horse at Harappa”. The juvenile fashion in which they have gone about dancing and celebrating this worthy of note because the scientific evidence shows otherwise. Horse both domestic and wild varieties have been found at places like Koldihwa and Mahagarh in interior India dating back to 6500 BC! These are Neolithic sites. The issue of horse has been blown out of proportion by scholars with the vested interest in preserving the invasion theory and the non indigenous basis of the Vedas and the Vedic civilisation. 
One of the most vociferous deniers is Michael Witzel who has gone to claim that any Harappan horse remains is a later introduction. This means that horse remains found and described by John Marshall in the 1920’s was introduced later. Witzel and his band of happily ignorant deniers stand discredited after this episode. How they lost their tongue can be illustrated by evidence found which is scientific and accepted by scholars worldwide. Sample the findings below.  

Ref: Sarasvati and the Vedic Civilisation by NS Rajaram

Remains of horses have been found among other places in Mahagara near Allahabad (dated to c. 2265 BC to 1480 BC, described as Equus ferus caballus Linn), Hallur in Karnataka (c.1500 - 1300 BC, described as Equus ferus caballus), Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa ("small horse"), Lothal (e.g., a terracotta figurine and a molar horse tooth, dated to 2200 BC), Kalibangan, and Kuntasi (dated to 2300 – 1900 BC). Horse remains from the Harappan site Surkotada (dated to c. 2400-1700 BC) have been identified by A.K. Sharma as Equus ferus caballus. The horse specialist Sandor Bökönyi (1997) later confirmed these conclusions and stated that the excavated tooth specimens could "in all probability be considered remnants of true horses [i.e. Equus ferus caballus]". Bökönyi stated that "The occurrence of true horse (Equus caballus L.) was evidenced by the enamel pattern of the upper and lower cheek and teeth and by the size and form of incisors and phalanges (toe bones)." An alleged clay model of a horse has been found in Mohenjo-Daro and an alleged horse figurine in Periano Ghundai in the Indus Valley.
Trautmann (1982) thus remarked that the supply and import of horses has "always" been a preoccupation of the Indians and that "it is a structure of its history, then, that India has always been dependent upon western and central Asia for horses." The paucity of horse remains could also be explained by India's climatic factors which lead to a faster decay of horse bones. Horse bones may also be rare because horses were probably not eaten or used in burials by the Harappans.
It should however also be noted that other sites like the BMAC (Bactrian Margiania Archaeological complex i.e. areas surrounding the Caspian Sea) which some consider nevertheless as Indo-Aryan are at least as poor in horse remains as the Harappan sites. Note also that the horse only appears in Mesopotamia from ca. 1800 BC when it acquires military significance with the invention of the chariot. Domestication of the horse before the 2nd millennium appears confined to its native habitat (the Great Steppe).
Colin Renfrew (1999) also remarked that "the significance of the horse ... has been much exaggerated" and Bryant holds that "using such negative evidence, by the same logic used to eliminate India as a candidate, ultimately any potential homeland can be disqualified due to lacking some fundamental Proto-Indo-European item or another. 
Source: Wikipedia

Comment: Moreover the horse Equus Namadicus (named after remains found in Narmada basin) had been an indigenous animal in India since the Pleistocene, which means 2.5 million years from the Common Era. Equus Namadius remains have been found as far as in present day Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh also. Another strain the Equus Sivalensis was found in the Shivalik Mountains and all across northern India.  Thus horses have been known in India from untold antiquity a fact that is borne out by hard scientific evidence thus demolishing the “No horse at Harappa” dogma. Ever since this evidence was presented Witzel and his cronies with no room to escape have been quiet on this subject.

Please read more from the same series

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Excerpts from the book Sarasvati River and the Vedic Civilisation by NS Rajaram Part 4

The Discovery of the Sarasvati River

The discovery of the Sarasvati River dealt a deathblow to AIT. It showed that the Sarasvati River, which supported the Harappan civilisation, was none other than the great river described in the Rigveda. This means that the Harappans were Vedic. Put another way, what it means is that cities and the other archaeological remains of the Harappan civilisation represents the material side of the culture and civilisation described in the Vedas.

That is to say, the people who created the Vedic literature also created the Harappan cities.

Ref: Sarasvati and the Vedic Civilisation by NS Rajaram

Note: It’s interesting to note that Indian school texts books don’t discuss the Vedic past of India or the Harappan civilisation in greater detail except saying that little is known yet (even till date i.e. 2010?). The books author (in most cases Romila Thappar) glosses over these topics and arrives at the Aryan invasion theory, declares the destruction of the ancient civilisation, end of chapter. 

Please read more from the same series

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Synopses from the book Sarasvati and the Vedic Civilisation by NS Rajaram Part 2

Two approaches to history: Science vs. Theology

The debate between the supporters of AIT and the ones to oppose is summed up by the title. To see the divide between the two approaches to history – the theological and the scientific – one can scarcely do better than compare the statements of a linguist. The late Murray Emeneau, a well-known linguist claimed:

This Aryan invasion is our linguistic doctrine, which has been help now for more than a century and half. There seems to be no reason to distrust the arguments for it, in spite of the traditional Hindu ignorance of any such invasion.

In making this claim Emeneau betrays his theological bent of mind by holding on to a doctrine, a dogma. He though admitted that he had no evidence for such a dogma, it had to be accepted on faith. On the other hand when archaeologist Jim Shaffer says:

Current archaeological data do not support the existence of an Indo-Aryan or European invasion into South Asia any time in the pre- or proto historic periods…

Shaffer is expressing his views as a empirical scientist looking at the evidence before him. This shows the fundamental difference between science and theology.

Moreover AIT is based on linguistics (Philology) and is not a quantitative science. It cannot be used to determine dates and events that took place thousands of years ago.

A proper understanding of ecology and natural history – not linguistic theories – holds the key to understanding ancient civilisations. Secondly theology is the most deceptive art; it carries an appearance of sound logic but rests on no empirical foundation. Theology is not useful for uncovering truth but promoting preconception and built in dogma often leading to concealment of truth and even falsification while creating an illusion of logical rigor. Ancient Greeks called it ‘sophistry’. Hidus call it mithyaa-vaada, false erudition.

Synopses from the book Sarasvati and the Vedic Civilisation by NS Rajaram Part 1

The invading Aryans have no memory of their original homeland

One of the most important anomalies in the AIT, which is worth pointing out, is that the Aryans know of no homeland but India. Though the Vedas and the Puranas have been memorized and preserved for thousands of years, the same people have no memory of having come from any foreign land. Also, there is no archaeological evidence of such a massive invasion for such a massive invasion in ancient times. But we are asked to believe that the Aryans, generations of whom were able to memorise and orally preserve voluminous records like the Vedas and the Puranas for thousands years were incapable of remembering the name of their homeland. Their memory was so bad that they thought India itself was their original home. This is first of the many contradiction of the AIT.

Ref: Sarasvati and the Vedic Civilisation by NS Rajaram

Note: By contrast if we look at Babur the Muslim Mughal invader who came from Uzbekistan who completely disliked India, its weather, its flora, fauna and more importantly its people in his biography Baburnama pines for his homeland paying rich tribute to Samarkand. Wouldn’t the Aryan invaders have done the same? But there is no such evidence in the Vedas or elsewhere. All geographical references present in the Vedas are about India and not of any foreign land. 

From the same series please also read

Sunday, October 31, 2010

4 recommended books for all ancient Indian History enthusiasts

These four books that are a definite read for all Indian who are serious about understanding ancient India and the Vedic Saraswati civilisation that we wrongly dub the Indus civilisation. Nomenclature notwithstanding these books are soon destined to become the foundational works of a great new edifice on revised and honest ancient Indian history. The sound scientific approach and evidence provided in these books is monumental and ground breaking compared to the redundant, weak and non scientific 'linguistic' Aryan Invasion theory (AIT) perpetuated by the likes of Michael Witzel, Asko Parpola, Steve Farmer and few other Indian scholarly fossils led by Romilla Thappar and her band of happily ignorant deniers.  

The increasingly defunct Aryan Invasion theory relies primarily upon linguistics making it a 'one show pony circus' and a highly subjective one at that, its a non scientific approach based on individual conjecture and imagination with stray reference to passages in the Vedas retrofitted into a preconceived theory. Where as the approach taken by the authors of these four books is founded on science - Satellite imagery of the Saraswati river basin showing old river flows, Genetics (AIT theorist have no clue on genetics), astronomy, sound knowledge of the 'Vedas' and the 'Puranas', archeological findings from newly discovered sites, path breaking language decipherment techniques and new approach of correlating epoch making events (the last Ice Age, the post Holocene, global draught, tectonic events in NW India) in the natural history of earth and mankind for the possible creation and the subsequent demise of the Vedic Saraswati civilisation. 

All in all the authors  of these books are Scientists, Mathematicians, Vedic gurus who have no past reputation, justification for grants, university chairs to protect or preserve but the same cant be said of the likes of Witzel, Parpola, Farmer or even Romilla Thappar. who stick to their dead theories. The authors of these books have already achieved glory in their field of work and have brought their great intellect, scientific mind set and scientific reasoning to the study of a perplexing chapter of India's hoary past and any day I will choose a scientists or a mathematicians reasoning to the personal opinion or conjecture  of an arts student  teaching history or linguistics.

Sarasvati River and the Vedic Civilisation by NS Rajaram

The Deciphered Indus Script, by Prof Natwar Jha

Observations on the AIT circus bandwagon:
  • The only thing that lends credibility to the likes of Michael Witzel is that he writes from behind a desk situated in the Harvard University, apart from that there is no credibility for him, his work or his followers. 
  • Witzel is known among academic circles to be highly offensive towards other scholars challenging his works and out-rightly denounces them by mocking them or passing crude remarks on their work, even attacking the person and his qualification and ironically the opposing scholars are more qualified than Witzel. As an example here is a link to a mail sent out by Witzel after he went to have fun with NS Rajaram which itself is evidence of what he thinks of himself (read comments also) Witzel Mocks NS Rajaram and other scholars
  • Witzel was pulled up by the US administration during the California school book revision controversy for misusing the Harvard name, stationary and for threatening people using his position at Harvard. He lost the opposition to the revision along with Akso Parpola and our very own Romilla Thappar.   
  • I have read Romilla Thappars books on Indian history and she accepts the AIT blindly and herself provides no empirical evidence in her entire works but mouths borrowed conjecture. Her entire work is nothing but a premier example of how to get to high places with good use of English language.  
  • Asko Parpola is in the pay of the Karunanidhi govt. to promote the ideas of Aryan-Dravidian divide and AIT. Asko Parpola recently was felicitated by Karunanidhi for his support of the Aryan-Dravidian divide.
  • Finally in conclusion the AIT was created not by scholars, historians, archeologist etc but by christian priests (Robert Caldwell), British bureaucrats (Macaulay), Judges, Railways & postal officers, politicians, Army officers, arm chair historians & so called Vedic guru like Max Muller who never came to India and many such half baked people who had one or the other agenda to promote. Now we have the likes of Witzel dragging the good name of Harvard through the mud based on the knowledge and theories gained from such dubious sources.